All about my Interests

Welcome to my webpage! My name is Baron Ng and I am a currently a sophmore highschool student. Feel free to take your time while reading!

My interests include playing video games and really anything relating to creative design such as story telling or video game design.
I enjoy the creative freedom that video game design and story telling allow me to have as well as just learning about how something is created.

There isn't much to say about myself but I can tell you about how I got interested in design in general.

Technically, the first time I realized that I liked design was in my freshmen year of high school. I was taking AP biology and although it would have made sense for me to hate the class for its difficulty, I actually looked forward to it. That was when I realized that I actually enjoyed learning about the creation of things in general, or maybe I am just a work-a-holic.

Some other things that contributed to my interest was when I played poly bridge, a game about building bridges, and when I had a competition with my friend, both involving video games. When I was playing poly bridge, I was challenged with very difficult puzzles that tested my creativity and management of resources. I thought it was really fun and it sparked my interest in engineering. Then my friend challenged me to create a game in roblox better than his, which moved my interest over to design. i spent hours without stopping only modelling since I didn't know how to code at the time. After just 3 days, I had created a very large map, although not very detailed, and I was very proud of it. I didn't realize it until recently, but my interest was exclusive to video games.

In my sophmore intro-computer science class, I enjoyed myself a lot, but when the final project came, i had the most fun. I was tasked to create a game or something cool, and, naturally, I chose to make a game. At first, I wasn't very motivated, but after coming up with the game, I started investing a lot of time into it. I would add mechanics or fix bugs on my free time instead of actually playing games. By the time I had finished the game, I felt very proud because I thought it actually qualified as an enjoyable game. This solidified game design and game developing as a main interest of mine.

While I'm still on the subject of video games, here is a list of all of my favorite video games (completely subjective) from most to least favorite.

I decided to leave out any Nintendo games because if I left them in, there would be almost no competition.