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My Top 10 Least Favorite Pokemon (from Gen 1)

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As a preface, I'd just like to say that I don't dislike very many Pokemon in the first place, and the ones I don't particularly find appealing are just those that I think are unnecessarily extravagant/strange/useless. This is all very subjective, of course, so no offense is intended (for the most part). I'll keep the descriptions simple, too.

1) Porygon
I don't understand the POINT of Porygon, in all honesty. It barely does any damage, its stats are mediocre, and it doesn't even evolve into anything. (Also, it's a normal type. LOL.) And that's all I can even say, because what is there to even discuss about Porygon? Moving on.
2) Tauros
Tauros is just as bad as Porygon, actually. It doesn't evolve and I really don't get the point. It's a bull, sure, but what's a single perk of being a Tauros? Exactly. And the fact that it's also a normal type is really just a coincidence.
3) Scyther
I guess Scyther's not THAT useless, but I still find it irksome because of the fact that it's just THERE. It may also be that I don't like bugs, but I wouldn't call myself that biased against normal- and bug-type Pokemon.
4) Farfetch'd
I don't get what Farfetch'd is supposed to do. The only thing it really has going for it is its rarity, I guess, but other than that it doesn't feel like an especially appealing Pokemon, at least not to me.
5) Pinsir
I think Pinsir might actually be tied with Farfetch'd on this list, and the only reason it's less unappealing is because of its okay attack stat, I guess. Still, the imbalance amongst the stats (look at the gap between HP and attack!) is a little annoying. Plus, Pinsir is a bug-type. (Remember, this is a completely unbiased ranking.)
6) Goldeen
The only issue I have with Goldeen is that it's not all that unique, and even though it does evolve (I love Pokemon that evolve!), it's so BORING. I think it would be a little mean to say that it's just a fish, though. Anyway, I do NOT vibe with Goldeen at all (or Seaking, for that matter).
7) Lickitung
I find Lickitung much more amusing than unlikable, actually, but it's still made it onto this list, so that's something. Maybe it's that I get caught up in hygiene stuff, so Lickitung's tongue, which is literally its defining characteristic, is a little too bothersome.
8) Golbat
The only reason I dislike Golbat is because it's, you know, a bat. I'm not all that fond of bats, so Golbat doesn't really speak to me (same goes for Zubat). But I can't really say that any of the Gen 1 Pokemon really speak to me, so maybe I'm being a little unfair here. (Whatever.)
9) Rattata
We all knew this was coming, really. Rattata is literally a rat, but it's not even just that-- it evolves into Raticate, which is just a scaled-up version of the basic form. It becomes a bigger, supposedly-deadlier rat, which I guess is how evolution is supposed to work... but since I don't really like Rattata, it deserves a spot somewhere on this list.
10) Beedrill
You can probably guess what my reasoning for this will be-- and if you guessed that it's just that Beedrill's a bee, you're right. Yay. Anyway, Beedrill's stats aren't all that impressive for the final evolution of a Pokemon genealogy (or whatever it's called). Maybe this is bullying again, but as you've probably realized by now, I'm not too great at explaining things.

(This was much harder than I thought it would be...)