My name is Joseph Hakim

My birthday is February 2, 2006. That means I am 16 years old. I live in Queens and my commute to Stuyvesant High School takes around 35-50 minutes. I like to play games and watch a show, one I currently am watching is "Better Call Saul" This show is a prequel to Breaking Bad and shows crime before Walter White gets involved.

Better Call Saul

Saul Goodman's real name is Jimmy Goodman, and he got his pseudonym from a pun. "It's all good man." Saul Goodman.
He is a charismatic, smart, and resourceful person who becomes a lawyer after being a conman all his life. Some events however forces his hand and he goes back to
his old habits. So far I am only up to season 2 but I will finish it and continue on to season 3, after which I have 2 more seasons left to go.
Another thing I enjoy doing but don't do much of is chess

  1. It is a fun way to blow off steam
  2. Your brain finds out new neuron pathways as you play more of it, developing your brain
  3. It is fun to flex on other people

Magnus Carlsen This is Magnus Carlsen, or as I like to say, Chadnus Carlsen.
This is Magnus Carlsen
Period Course name
1 Free
2 Free
3 Algebra 2
4 Lunch
5A Gym
5B Honors Chemistry
6 Honors Chemistry
7 Global Studies
8 European Lit
9 Spanish II
10 Computer Science

I do not have any siblings and I live with my dad and my mom. Because of how passive my environment is, I have to adapt
and find new ways to entertain myself while at the same time getting enough adequate study.
In general, I am not too outspoken but also not to timid. I like to get things done and talk to people if I have knowledge.
This is me, Joseph Hakim