Top Ten COOLEST Pokemon

These are the pokemon are the coolest, compared to all the other pokemon. There is no logical justification, just my opinion.
10) Onix - It's a giant stone worm, how can it not be cool?
9) Diglett - Looks pretty funny.
8) Dugtrio - Just as funny as Diglett, but now there are three!
7) Ditto - It's cool because it was overpowered in Pokemon Go (but only cool because I have him).
6) Machamp - He has 4 arms, which makes him even cooler.
5) Muk - He's a giant slime monster, but he seems like he would be really nice in person.
4) Gyarados - He was my most powerful pokemon. Definitely a flex for 8 year old me.
3) Gloom - The average Stuyvesant student on 3 hours of sleep.
2) Snorlax - Also the average Stuyvesant student on 3 hours of sleep.
1) And the coolest Pokemon: Weedle. Everyone will hate on Weedle, but he's just better.

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