
Hi my name is Kohl Shepherd and I'm 15 years old. I'm a sophomore at Stuyvesant Highschool. I use he/him pronouns, and my favorite colour is green. Some things you should know about me:

  1. I have Tourrete's Syndrome, which is a neurological disorder that causes people to tic. A tic is a sudden movement or sound. I have limited control over them.
  2. I'm a gymnast and gymnastics is one of my favorite things to do. Also you should join Stuy boys gymnastics next year we need more people!
  3. I have a corn snake named Noodle. I believe you've already met him :)

Now that we've gotten the basics out of the way, I can't wait to delve into more detail about myslef and my life and, Oh my god! That alien is running off with that lady's kid! Quick, you have to help!

Run after him!


She can adopt...