Hi. You're here because you clicked on a link. I believe I called it "link". But none of that really matters, seeing as you're here now and you're likely reading this now which means you are curious as to what happens next and you might just stick around. So, let's take a moment and say the thing that we're all thinking: This assignment is pointless. All of these Pokemon, all listed together with stats so you can compare them in an orderly fashion, it's all nonsense. All of these Pokemon, the fastest, the strongest, the most beautiful, and the rarest, they all are powerless when put next to Diglett. Frankly, I think it's harmful for the concept that Pokemon other than Diglett exist to be so nonchalantly presented to students in the form of a project. I had half a mind to make every single row on my table Diglett, to have every link link to Diglett, and to turn it in with "Diglett" as the only thing written in the comments to teacher section. Now, luckily, the other half of my mind reminded me that I had two missing assignments for this class and I really couldn't afford to get points off of the final for not fulfilling the expectations. Even when those expectations go against my firm belief that Diglett is the only Pokemon that matters. In fact, I strive to have Diglett recognized as the one and only Pokemon. Sure, Diglett may not be the strongest Pokemon, it may not be the most popular (Pikachu gets too much clout), and it may not even be the most practical monster to carry around in your pocket, but by God Diglett has so much more. In a capitalist society so worried about practicality, efficiency, and pleasing the general public, the simple beauty of Diglett is often drowned out. We need to stop this. Maybe our society today isn't ready to accept that Diglett is the only Pokemon, maybe this will raise some eyebrows and ruffle some feathers, but we can't just sit around and wait for change to happen. We have to BE the change. Your voice matters. Linked here is a petition to recognize Diglett as the only Pokemon. Change only happens when we work together. Sign today, and stop being part of the problem.
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