n a t a l i e k e u n g


1 Background
2 Childhood
3 Elementary School Life
4 Middle School Life
     4.1 Hunter test
     4.2 SHSAT test
5 High School
6 Hobbies
     6.1 Badminton
     6.2 Baking
     6.3 Crocheting/Knitting
     6.4 Napping
     6.5 Favorite Games
7 Family


Natalie Keung was born in Flushing Hosiptal as the daughter of Joyce Hu and Sammy Keung and grew up with her sister, brother, parents, and grandma. She was named by a fortune teller. She spent her childhood in Flushing.


Natalie looked like a cute cinnamon roll growing up. Her sister would teach her English vocabulary and her mother would make her read Chinese books. She spent her days usually being babysat by her older sister.

Elementary School Life

Natalie went to PS 21 Q from Kindergarten to 3rd grade and then transferred to Ballet Tech where she went to school for 4th and 5th grade. She read all the popular books at the time and her extracurriculars during this period of time were dance and singing. No matter how many tantrums Natalie threw, she never succeeded at quitting Saturday chinese school. During the summer she went to summer prep classes "asian mother things".

Siblings walking with Natalie

Middle School Life

Natalie went to the Lab middle school of Collaborative studies for all 3 years. Unfortunately Natalie was still stuck in chinese school. Her extracurriculars at this time included dancing, chinese yoyo, and volleyball.

Hunter Test

Natalie went to prep for the Hunter test (of course she did) and did not get in. She asked a fortune teller if she would get in and the lady said yes but unfortunately, Natalie didn't pass with a 51 on the test.

High School

Natalie took the SHSAT and ended up at Stuyvesant where she is now a sophomore. On numerous occasions, Natalie has complained about the broken escalators, terrible locker spot, the program management office, and the amount of exercise she gets having a 1st period class on the 10th floor.



Natalie started badminton and plays with people during summer. Badminton is the one sport that the athletically-challenged Natalie can NOT look like an idiot while playing. When Natalie plays with middle-aged people, she gets bullied by the asian aunties (they have children and they still play better than me TnT).


Natalie loves to make things to eat. Her reasoning for making brownies on a random Tuesday night is because she saw a video of someone making and eating a brownie, therefore she is urged to go make some to eat. Once she is satisfied with eating the sweet treat, she cuts pieces and distributes them to her friends and parents. She also makes birthday cakes for friends when she's free.


She first started crocheting during the beginning of the pandemic. She saw a crocheted bee and instantly wanted to make one so she did. Then she bought a few pounds of yarn and that kept her busy for a while.


Natalie loves to take naps once she gets home from school. During quarantine, the ideal time for a nap was around 3-4pm because "the room has a nice dreamy mood so it's really easy and peaceful to fall asleep in".

Favorite Games

Natalie's favorite games are Valorant and Overcooked 2. Natalie desperately sucks at valorant and peaked at iron 3 but she normally plays unrated so it's ok. Natalie has the oni phantom and reaver vandal. Natalie also has fun stressing and screaming over Overcooked 2.

Some statistics

Name : Natalie Keung
Birthday : 11/27/2006
Occupation : Student
Height : 5 ' 5.5 * we can round it to 5'6
Favorite color : Cornflower Blue

Family Members Info

Relative Name Extra notes
Mom Joyce Hu Has very little spice tolerance, is addicted to wechat
Dad Sammy Keung Loves to eat, was born in Hong Kong
Sister Elaine Keung Dyes her hair a lot
Brother Danny Keung

Congrats, if you scrolled all the way down here is a pic of Gudetama