All About Me: Tazrian Sazzad

My interests, hobbies and more.


This website is just a simple discussion of some things I'm interested in along with some small facts about me. In my free time, I usually spend my time playing strategy games like Chess, Poker, EU4, etc. and also reading fantasy and sci-fi books (although I'm not really that deep into sci-fi yet). My favorite pastimes are lazily scrolling through YouTube on my bed, stressing about grades and studying haphazardly, talking with friends about random stuff with friends, and sometimes reading Nietzche. Below you'll find a few small things about me, and the 3 sections at the top are just about my interests. Enjoy my website!

Goals and Achievements

1. Fix my sleep schedule to actually get enough sleep and wake up at a reasonable time.
2. Develop a strong work ethic to complete tasks ahead of time.
3. Maximize commute productivity by finding things to do on the trian.
4. Survive high school.

Won National History Day Competition Prize
Valedictorian in Elementary and Middle School
Paid tutor for several years

Favorite Things

Favorite Foods:
1. Pizza
2. Caramel Iced Lattes
3. Chicken Curry
4. Biryani
5. Halwa

Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Animal: Tiger
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Planet: Mars
Favorite Plant: Corpse Flower (Titun Arum)


I don't really use social media, but if you want to contact me you can email and I'll give you my Discord and Insta. You probably already know, but my school email is so email me there for anything school related.