Yonna Yeung

Quick Debrief of Myself :D

My name is Yonna Yeung and I am 16 years old. This paragraph is a quick overview of my different categories. Hope you will enjoy it! This website is everything about me. I hope you enjoy navigating through the tabs and find something cool about me!


This is mostly about the things that I like, which can be sorted in 4 categories. I love to play basketball and I have been playing since 5th grade. I also play the violin since 2nd grade (I know, for a very long time). I would consider myself as a intermediate to advanced player. I also care a lot about music. Although I am not a multigenre lover, I do love music a lot. Last but not least, my newly developed hobby: Valorant. I will have a whole description about my thoughts about this game later!


Obviously food has to be a thing to talk about. I love all kinds of food, but I am allergic to mangoes. I will talk mostly about the food that I eat, some of which my mom forces me to. There are many types of Chinese food and I love Korean and Japanese food too.


I also love animals and pets ever since I was little. You will get to know more about my latest pet Bobby and the tiny story that follows! Bobby is a cute hamster, and he is the first furry pet that I owned. I also had a fish for 4 years, shockingly. I had a tadpole that unfortunately passed away before turning into an actual frog. I also had an interesting story with a Husky, named Sesame.


I love to drink and make drinks. I hated coffee when I was little, but as I stepped into High School, I realized that I actually have come to love it. I love expressos and macchiatos and refreshers are also good. I also sometimes make my own coffee at home because I like to see the satisfying texture of the coffee mixing with the milk. Refreshers are also great! There would be more details about that in the drinks tab!


I am not a fashionable person, but there are still some standards to what I wear. This tab shows the types of clothes that I wear and some photos of them. I also love styles from Lisa :)